130.000+ Subscriptions Unit
1.000+ Clients
100+ Cities across Indonesia
30+ Cities across Malaysia
20 - 40% Improved Fleet Productivity & Utilization
10 - 30% Fleet Operating Cost Reduction

Why Choose TransTRACK?


It can be used by 1000+ types of GPS trackers available in the global market. Allows users to monitor and manage data from various types of GPS tracking devices without the need to switch to another platform.

Stay Connected

Network connectivity in all places, regions, to other countries. Track vehicles anywhere with a global sim card built into our GPS tracker. Ensure vehicle tracking data remains accessible and accurately monitored at any location.

Easy Integration

Users can easily integrate our system with other systems using our open API settings. Alignment and collaboration between systems becomes easier and more integrated.


Customize your fleet needs such as reports, white labels, and other TransTRACK features. Give users the flexibility and ability to optimize system usage according to their business needs and goals.

TransTRACK's Key Solutions

Monitor your fleet operations with real-time tracking, minimize fuel usage, and analyze vehicle problems. All in one TransTRACK system.

TransTRACK Features

Accident Compensation Copyright

The first and the only one in Indonesia! Fleet telematics provider that provides accident
compensation based on TransTRACK GPS tools. By introducing accident compensation, which includes
Malaysian market coverage*
*T&C applies

Customer Experience Center

By showcasing and demonstrating TransTRACK products, solutions, and services, we create the best customer experience through TransTRACK's Customer Experience Center.


What they said after using TransTRACK

500+ companies join

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Repair, improve and maximize your company's fleet operations through us.

Jenis aset/kendaraan apa yang ingin Anda kelola?

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Repair, improve and maximize your company's fleet operations through us.

What type of assets/vehicles do you want to manage?

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Step 4 from 5

Repair, improve and maximize your company's fleet operations through us.

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Step 5 from 5

Repair, improve and maximize your company's fleet operations through us.

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